Blythe has been such a wonderful hobby. I love the dolls, but mostly I love the people in this hobby. I have met some of the most kind hearted people doing this. So I have come up with a new project.
I have always had a soft spot for misfit and unloved dolls. I love putting bits and pieces together to create special and unique dolls. So I have decided to start the Rescue Blythe Project.
How it works is this.
If you have an unloved blythe doll hidden away and it needs a new fresh start I would love to make it over for you for free. You must pay shipping to and back. I will take photos of her makeover all along the way.
Do you have a carved faceplate gone wrong, or an ugly scalp, or random bits of an eye mech or eyechips? I would love to take them! Once I have enough pieces for a whole doll I will make her over and give her away in a random drawing. Those who donate get their names in the drawing more than once.
I thought this would be a fun way to bring us all together.
Basically all I want to do with this project is make someone's day.
We will see how this goes. I am very excited to do this!
Feel Free to use this photo and spread the word.
Please use my email in profile to get a hold of me.
Thanks Blythe Friends!
I am amazed by the good hearts and things already donated! I already have a whole doll to put together and give away. All the pieces are on it's way. Thank you!